Read too Many Books make you cry

10 Amazing Reason read too many Books make you cry:

If you read too many books you will:
·         Learn too much about the world and question reality.
·         Talk too much at parties and never get laid.
·         Your partner will leave the bed because pillow talk has become a forum for philosophical debate.
·         Discard your childlike perception of the world and realize everything is terrible.
·         Use words in your tinder profile like ‘epistemological’ and nobody will date you.
·         Have no space for your personal belongings as your habitation space will be filled with books.
·         Become poor and homeless because you have spent all your money on books.
·         Never get a job because you are overqualified and ask the interviewer too many questions which they are unable to answer.
·         Develop a drinking problem because nobody understands you like Tolstoy.
·         you are really clever but actually you just want people to notice you.