Balance Diet food

The very first repast of the day,”Breakfast”..should be full of nutrients and proteins. It’s a legend that skipping your breakfast will help you to slack weight but skipping the breakfast will make you plump.A heavy protein-rich breakfast like eggs,sprouts,cheese etc should be taken as it makes you lively and stop to eat extra carbs.

Fruits and juices

Fruits contain high quantity of soluble nutritional fibre which remove the cholesterol and fat from the body, avoid crumple of skin, hair fall  & many more.
According to Research, “One should eat at least 2-3 portion of fresh fruits everyday.”
Although, raw fruits are much better than juices, but it helps our body to take away toxins, weight loss and better resistant system.

2 Sprouts:

Sprouts are grow seeds of moong bean, grams and many more.
They are necessary sources of vitamin K, C, fibre and other natural resources. Sprouts purify blood and helps to increase the resistant system.


There are still many feast that are low down in calories & tasty too.Some of them are  poha, upma, rawa  idli.